Comprehensive List of Accredited Colleges Across the United States

We have data on 3,896 accredited colleges with degrees across over 100 disciplines. Our tool pulls from respected government data to provide you with a complete list of schools offering programs in your area.

If you’re looking to research a particular school, you can use the search box provided. We know a list of 3,896 schools is kind of overwhelming. That’s why our site is designed to help you find the schools that fit your criteria. We also have pages dedicated to healthcare and career schools.

If you’d like to see just schools near you, use the search tool at the top of the page to see results that match your needs or interests in terms of program of study. Once you’re on the results page you can narrow your results further by searching for schools that offer the specific degree-level you’re looking for or sorting the list by affordability.

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College Locations
Clarke University Dubuque, IA
Clarkson College Omaha, NE
Clarkson University Potsdam, NY
Clary Sage College Tulsa, OK
Clatsop Community College Astoria, OR
Clayton State University Morrow, GA
Cleary University Ann Arbor, MI
Clemson University Clemson, SC
Cleveland Community College Shelby, NC
Cleveland Institute of Art Cleveland, OH
Cleveland State Community College Cleveland, TN
Cleveland State University Online, Ohio (1 city)
Cleveland University-Kansas City Overland Park, KS
Clinton College Rock Hill, SC
Clinton Community College Plattsburgh, NY
Cloud County Community College Concordia, KS
Clover Park Technical College Washington Campuses: Lakewood, Puyallup
Clovis Adult Education Clovis, CA
Clovis Community College - NM Clovis, NM
Cloyds Beauty School 1 Inc Louisiana Campuses: West Monroe, Monroe
CNI College Orange, CA
Coahoma Community College Clarksdale, MS
Coastal Alabama Community College Alabama Campuses: Monroeville, Bay Minette
Coastal Bend College Beeville, TX
Coastal Carolina Community College Jacksonville, NC
Coastal Carolina University Conway, SC
Coastal Pines Technical College Waycross, GA
Coastline Beauty College Fountain Valley, CA
Coastline College California Campuses: Fountain Valley, Garden Grove, Westminster, Newport Beach
Coconino County Community College Arizona Campuses: Flagstaff, Page
Coe College Cedar Rapids, IA
Coffeyville Community College Coffeyville, KS
Coker College Hartsville, SC
Colby College Waterville, ME
Colby Community College Colby, KS
Colby-Sawyer College New London, NH
Colgate University Hamilton, NY
College of Alameda Alameda, CA
College of Biblical Studies - Houston Houston, TX
College of Business and Technology-Hialeah Hialeah, FL
College of Central Florida Florida Campuses: Ocala, Lecanto, Levy
College of Charleston Charleston, SC
College of Coastal Georgia Brunswick, GA
College of DuPage Illinois Campuses: Glen Ellyn, Addison, Bloomingdale (and 5 others)
College of Hair Design - NE Lincoln, NE
The College of Health Care Professions Texas Campuses: Austin, San Antonio, Houston (and 2 others)
The College of Idaho Caldwell, ID
College of Lake County Illinois Campuses: Grayslake, Vernon Hills
College of Marin Kentfield, CA
College of Menominee Nation Keshena, WI

This website offers school details to prospective students as an informational resource. The appearance of a school listing on this website should not be interpreted as an endorsement by the school of this site.

This website also offers school data. With the exception of the recommend rate percentage (which is the average based on the student reviews submitted to our partner site GradReports), all of the data reflects 2022-2024 school years from the National Center for Education Statistics or from an official representative of the school. Salaries and job growth were collected in 2023-2024 from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Colleges and Degrees takes no position with respect to the information or opinions expressed in the user comments/reviews and is not responsible for their content.

Our tuition numbers reflect data collected from the National Center for Education Statistics.

Recommendation rate refers to the percent of students who said they would recommend this school based on reviews submitted to our partner site,
This indicates that a school has an annual tuition of $15,000 or less as reported to the National Center for Education Statistics or based on the school's website.